For a number of years photography has been purely a hobby, something that I am very passionate about. Here and there I succumbed to requests by friends and family to take photos on their behalf and even though I was always a little apprehensive and nervous about capturing their most precious memories, I was always pleasantly surprised by the results.

However over the last couple of months I have been receiving more and more of these requests and I’ve come to realize that there is a genuine gap in the market when it comes to photography.

Generally photographers charge an arm and a leg when hired to capture the images for a special event or occasion and understandably so. Their expertise is priceless and their equipment state of the art and they provide a package containing a large variety of prints, enlargements etc.

However there is a need out there for something less extravagant, more affordable and less formal. Moms just wanting a couple of snaps of their kids birthday party, a couple of shots of their son playing little league rugby, a couple of images of a matric dance, a graduation, grannies 80th or baby’s christening. Candid shots just capturing the memories and preserving them for the future.

……..and this is where I come in. If you are curios to find out more, feel free to contact me at

These are just some of the shoots that I have done for clients. If it's worth remembering, it's worth capturing so let me capture your memories.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Nursery School Shoot

Every child is a different kind of flower and all together, make this world a beautiful garden.

Every single one of the children, that I had the privilege of photographing during this shoot, were beautiful and amazing. However I am not able to post every single photo here (only have posting permission from some of the parents) so here are just a few (with permission).

It's not easy being a princess, but hey if the crown fits.....!

Little boys are just superheroes in disguise.

..... the kids warmed up to the camera and loved every minute so we took additional time and had some fun! 



My son (a graphic web development student) took some of the images and played around in Photoshop creating a fun school related background.






  1. Wat het gebeur met boere name soos Sannie, Marietjie, Kobus, en Jannie?

  2. Jong die mammas en pappas kom deesdae met oorspronklike name op.......dis mooi name ne!

  3. Some of the sms feedback received:

    “The pics are absolutely beautiful!! Great job indeed!! Will contact Michele! “

    “Die fotos is amazing! Miane lyk soos n poppie. Baie dankie”

    “Photos are perfect. Very happy with Carla's”

    “The Pics are really cute!”

    "Thanx for the photos they are very very beautiful. I took almost thirty minutes looking at them. I cant get over them, Baie baie dankie - Jessi's mom"
